How to create an ECS Cluster
Firstly, Navigate to ECS and create a cluster that suits your requirements.

Cluster configurations:
Infrastructure Settings:
- Choose the infrastructure of your choice: I chose the EC2 instance for now.
- ASG is used to scale up the instances in the cluster. You can choose to create a new one or an existing one.
- Select the operating system, and instance type which is required to host your application.

- Desired capacity min and maximum , this is based on the load of the applications and also on your architecture.
- Create SSH Key pair in case if you need to login into the instances.

Network Settings:

Choose the VPC, I recommend not to use default VPC, create your ECS in custom VPC applying the networking best practices.
Enable the PublicIP if required.
- Enable container insights if it is required. (note: an extra cost you may see in your bills)

Post the successful creation of ECS cluster, you would see the ECS cluster in Active State. Also, you could see the corresponding fargate/ec2 references in the corresponding sections.

Creating Task Definitions and Services
This is mentioned in my other blog post. Please check if you want to know about it.